1 April 2010

I wish.....

Today someone told me that I did not update my blog for a long time.
& what is my reason for not updating my own blog?
As usual,it is because I am so LAZY to blog!
The someone should know me well..
Yes, I am the lazy kind of person who noob in everything!!

I feel so hurt & emo these few days.
I can't figure it out the reason.
I just feel kinda sad.
I just feel like crying.
I feel like I'm the trouble-maker.
I make everyone having trouble.
I can't believe myself.
I don't know how to change myself! T.T

Now I am blogging because I don't want the someone said I never update my blog for so long =="

My wishes for 2010 :-

straight As in SPM
celebrate my biirthdaee with my friend~(ii really do want it!!)
go karaoke with friends on my birthdaee
hair rebonding
new specs :D
Can confess to him ^.^
not to be so *fa sam*
to be a weaker person :((
meet all my idols (which it wont happen)
could meet my prince in right time
to be a sick person like the girl(as im always creating a sad love story)
hang out with the 4-newbie family member often
keep all the secrets & the pain I had myself =))
go for work(part time) after spm.
have a happy life =D

Guess that's all I can write.
I really got no mood to write anymore =(

& Thanks for the lollipop kor!!!
and thanks to aaron kor for the notes!!